I am fast approaching the end of my six month seat in our London office, my third rotation within the firm. I will soon be heading back to Exeter for my final seat with the prospect of qualification looming.
My focus in London has been a predominantly litigious one, but I have been lucky enough to experience a really broad range of legal areas which have included Insolvency, Banking and Family law. My experience has been nothing if not varied, and there have been too many highlights to mention all of them in a short blog. A few particular highlights would include attending the court hearings and conferences with counsel on a large litigation matter, sitting in the Royal Courts of Justice in a Family matter, and having afternoon tea with the client at the Dorchester Hotel on a Private Client matter.
As many of my fellow trainees have touched on in their blogs client contact and responsibility are an essential part of the training contract with the firm, and my experience in London has not been any different. I have been involved in a number of client meetings, conferences with counsel and court hearings.
London life itself has lived up to its reputation of being fast paced- although sometimes the public transport links can seem anything but fast; the Northern Line on an icy Monday morning can be described as nothing short of bedlam! I am now looking forward to the challenge of my final seat, and heading back to the beaches and the countryside in the south west, but there will be many things I am going to miss about life in the big smoke.