What are the key elements of your role?
I am an Associate in the South West Transactional Real Estate team and work with both local and national house builders on a range of commercial property, land and development matters – from land acquisition for residential development through to site assembly for plot sale and affordable housing disposal.
What drew you to Michelmores initially?
Location! I completed my training in Bath, and then joined Michelmores, keen to return to Devon.
What is your favourite way to spend a day in the South West?
A coastal dog walk, a spot of fishing, and a beach BBQ.
What has been the best deal that you’ve worked on?
There have been many! One which springs to mind – the sale of 30 affordable housing units at a site in Plymouth. The title was deduced, enquires replied to, contract and transfer drafted, negotiated and settled in a matter of weeks, and the deal exchanged only two days after the site had been acquired by the Seller. The client was ecstatic!
What’s one thing on your bucket list?
To see the northern lights.
What are you most excited about this year at Michelmores?
Being part of a winning quiz team at the Michelmores Annual Quiz later this week…?!
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