AgriLore Summer 2024 Edition

AgriLore Summer 2024 Edition

We wrote this edition for a special hard copy release at Cereals last week. The articles go alongside season 2 of our Agriculture Podcast, which we released over the past few weeks. Listen to the podcast here.

This time we cover a wide range of topics including:

  • Seaweed Farming: Q&A with Mollie Gupta at WWF
  • Harvesting Power: Planning for Renewable Energy Schemes
  • Protecting your land for development: Three topics to consider
  • Partnerships, tax and succession: Planning for the future
  • Your food labelling and advertising: Keeping it “legal, decent, honest and truthful”
  • Agricultural Tenancies: New code, changes to AHA tenancies and Natural Capital Scheme collaboration
  • Biodiversity Gain Site Register Regulations 2024: Structuring and documentation