Applications for this pitch event close Wednesday 16 May 2025.
Following the success of MAINstream South West, we are delighted to be launching MAINstream Cheltenham and will be hosting a Pitch Event on Wednesday 4 June.
If you are interested in joining the network and attending our events please email for further details.
We will be holding up to three events a year where high-growth early-stage companies will be invited to present their businesses to members of the network.
Applicant companies are shortlisted by an investor selection panel and four businesses will be invited to pitch.
The afternoon will include pitch events from four applicant companies, as well as an opportunity to network with drinks and canapes.
The MAINstream team are always on hand to answer any questions, but at this stage we leave the investors to follow up directly with the organisations of interest to them.
If you’d like to apply, please complete the two application forms below and return them with a copy of your pitch deck to
Applications are open to businesses of all sectors, but subject to the following requirements:
- either be based in the South West or in Cheltenham, (if applying to MAINstream Cheltenham), or have a material presence in or connection to the region;
- qualify for SEIS / EIS relief; and
- either be generating revenue or able to demonstrate a paid-for pilot.