Recently, I accompanied my supervisor to a talk on EU Competition Law in Henley. The purpose of me being there was to learn a lot about Competition law, to meet some clients and, most importantly, to write down any questions ‘super-fast’ (think 4G broadband). I was nervous about meeting the clients, mainly because my knowledge of Competition law is limited and I was terrified that should I be asked about the applicable articles of the TFEU (Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union), I was going to disappoint.
After learning an unsurprising lesson not to juggle a folder on State Aid, 2 train tickets and a large coffee through the train station barrier and becoming more nervous in the process, my Competition law experience was much more pleasant. Thankfully I wasn’t asked to regurgitate the last decade of case law, so my level of experience remained a mystery! The talk was relatively informal and the most interesting part for me was listening to real-life examples of the law in practice. It also helped that my group and supervisor shared a good sense of humour, so the afternoon was peppered with laughs!
Though initially sceptical about how much I would understand, I found the afternoon really enjoyable. No mid-afternoon attention lapses at all! To top it off, all questions raised were answered by my supervisor in the talk, so my to-do list did not get any bigger!