Our Natural Capital hub contains information and resources written by our team of experts as well as papers and online materials authored by a variety of sources including the UK Government, the UN, Conservation International and the World Forum on Natural Capital.
The five year, £6.5m Valuing Nature Programme (funded by the Natural Environment; Economic and Social; Biotechnology and Biological Sciences; and the Arts and Humanities Research Councils, and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) aims to better understand and represent the complexities of the natural environment in valuation analyses and decision making.
The programme will fund research related to valuation in two areas:
- the role biodiversity and ecosystem processes play in human health
- the links between ecosystem services and tipping points.
The extensive research available on this site includes the “Natural Capital Synthesis Reports” which define the current state of knowledge to address specific policy or practice needs in the language and format that is accessible to users; and define key gaps in knowledge that should be addressed by further research.
To access this resource please click here: ‘Valuing Nature Programme‘.
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